What Causes Nightmare Disorder?

A nightmare is a dream that evoke feelings of fear or terror and occur during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. REM usually occurs during the later stages of the sleep cycle.

But why do we dream? Freud believed that dreams were a natural release mechanism for unconscious feelings. Other researchers have suggested that dreams are the unconscious mind’s attempts to deal with unresolved emotions that occur during the day. Therefore, the cortex creates a story to play out these emotions.

Feelings After A Nightmare

The feelings created by having a nightmare are usually short lived, but for some people frequent nightmares can become an issue. ‘Nightmare Disorder’ is used to describe a condition experienced by individuals who have regular and intense nightmares that disrupt their social and working lives.

People who experience this disorder can usually remember their dreams vividly. They often describe nightmares that involve threats to their security or self esteem, and are usually alert the moment they wake.

What are the causes? Anxiety, stress and bereavement are the most common causes. Nightmares can also be caused by fever, an adverse reaction to medication, withdrawal from alcohol or other drugs, and sleep disorders. They can also be connected to trauma.

To avoid getting nightmares try to exercise regularly, learn relaxation techniques and talk to a friend or family member about how you are feeling. If the nightmares began after taking a new medication, or you have serious concerns, consult your doctor. 

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Disclaimer: I am not a doctor so this guide should not be considered a replacement for seeking medical advice. It is also not a substitute for obtaining therapy as other factors, such as trauma, need to be considered. There are pay per click ads on this site for which I may receive a small commission. This helps to pay for the running of the site. I do not endorse any of the products advertised.

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